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Providing frontline support for Kanaka Maoli self-determination initiatives like Ka Lāhui Hawai'i.

501c3 Hawaiian Community Organization  











Mutual Aid Ka Lahui has assisted with the Maui wildfire response and free distribution of water to folks effected by the poisoning of the aquifer from the Red Hill military facility.  Participating in Community Action events for each as well as providing on the ground support for 'Iwi Kupuna protectors.

Community Action

Relief & Support

Education & Outreach

Clean Water

Mutual Aid Ka Lāhui Community Organization

Kū'ē Pettitions at the 'Onipa'a Peace march where Mutual Aid Ka Lāhui provided support.

We are a grassroots Hawaiian communityorganization that has been blessed to provide frontline aid to Kanaka Maoli groups advocating for their rights to self-determination and support efforts led by Mana Wahine throughout the Hawaiian Islands.  If you have an issue and are looking for support of your organization or disaster response, feel free to reach out to us with any questions.

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